Letter from the Director
Dear All,
The Covid 19 pandemic has had a huge impact on our lives. Its consequences on the global economy are serious and long-term. As the Secretary General of the UN succinctly points out, the “Covid 19 pandemic is a human crisis that is fast becoming a Human Rights crisis”. This crisis underlines the essential role local authorities can play in putting people and their rights at the centre of local public policies. If human rights must guide our recovery by building effective and inclusive solutions, effective local governance is key to achieve this objective.
How have civil, political, economic and social rights been affected by the current crisis? How have the most vulnerable groups living in our cities been impacted? What are the key roles our local authorities can play in tackling the magnitude of the current pandemic? What role will human rights play as the pandemic fades and cities re-emerge? Many initiatives and actions are on-going to share and build on cities and local authorities’ good practices, calling on solidarity.
The Human Rights Cities Network acknowledges the significant role human rights cities have during this crisis bringing decision-making processes closer to the people. We continue to do our best to do our work under the current circumstances. We remain in close contact with our partners and key actors. Together we move towards building on lessons learned from the pandemic on how best advancing human rights and promoting inspiring practices at the local level, despite the difficult situation.
We invite you to stay connected with us through our website. It is there we gather information about what is going in Europe, and beyond, with regards to human rights cities and find connections to decision-makers making real differences in the lives of the citizens of the world’s cities. What has been your experience from a human rights based perspective? How will your city and local authority respond now that curves are flattening, and society moves towards getting back to normal?
You are invited to share with us any human rights based innovative approaches from your city or your region in the current context. If you wish to share and promote inspiring human rights practices to mitigate the Covid 19 pandemic through our website, please contact us and send us additional information on covid19@humanrightscities.net
I look forward to cooperating in mitigating the Covid 19 crisis together, while respecting the human rights of all and for the most vulnerable ones among us in particular.
Thanks to everyone for all your efforts in contributing to better prospects.
Keep safe & take care,
Frederique Hanotier, Director of Human Rights Cities Network